Kali Windfall

The Lady Death Machine

About Me.

General RPInformation
NameKali Arkona Windfall
Race/TribeHalf Mi'Qote | Half Viera (Veena)
Place of BirthSkatay Range
Citizenship:Ul'Dah, Thanalan
Residence:The Windfall House, Empyreum | The Windfall Stronhold, Goblet
Spouse:Samara Windfall
Siblings:A White haired Mi'Qote Machinist/Paladin
Main Job ClassesDark Knight
Other JobsCourtesan at Kittenz Striple Triad
Personality:Reserved, Renegade, Helpful, Polite, Cold Tempered, Murderous
ChangesAscended into an Ascian
Eye ColorGlowing Red Eyes
Hair Color:Jet Black | Blood Red Highlights
Skin Color:Pale
Distinguishing Marks:All of the Veena Viera Marks that are Jet Black Color
Dark Knight AppearanceDark Knight Armor with Panties
Kittenz Striple Triad Club AppearanceGothic Bunny Suit with a spiked collar.
RP Writing Style:Varies from Casual to Paragraph.
RP Themes:Slice of Life, Adventure, Mature, Dark, and ERP
RP Combat System:Freeform
Physical Violence | InjuryAsk me first then yes
Emotional Violence:Ask me First then yes
Romance:I am Married, so no.
Death:Yes, if I sacrifice my life for Samara.

Voice Sample

Normal and Happy

Serious and Hostile

My Backstory

In the Far East in Dalmasca... Kali Arkona was born as a Veena Viera, though her childhood remains unknown or not documented...When Lady Kali Windfall was the age of 22, The Garlean Emprie. has invaded her homeland and took her captive, they have assassinated her own family and friends at that time. Therefore Kali was fallen uncounscious and she does not know what is going on... Therefore, something has just brainwashed Kali's mind and she was trained as a Warrior of the Garlean Empire.At wars, Kali was proven that she has the brutality in her strength, killing guards in the western part of Hydaelyn, Eorzea. Kali was slaughtering many soldiers and innocent people that she has regretted for her life. So they have called her, "The Lady Death Machine."As the Veena trained harder and became more viscious, she was sent to Bluefog in Northern Thanalan to invade Central Thanalan, though The Soldiers of the Immortal Flames had to fight this Enraged Veena alone, Kali has not succeeded and one soldier had to make a vertical slash against Kali's eye. The sword went into her skull deeply which Kali had screamed on top of her lungs and then.... She has vanished somewhere....In the small village near Bluefog, the Veena woke up and she did not remember things, though she visioned good and bad things. The Good vision she has saw is her living with her dream girl, a tall Duskwright Elzen with pink flowing hair, she was hugging the Veena with comfort and she felt happy and they would be giants, but it was a dream. The bad visions that she is possessed by the voidsent and she grows big and plans on destroying the world itself.Okay, lets get on with the story. There was a Mi'Qote named Eldrith Maesphisto. Therefore, she decided to live with her as Eldrith stated in a codition, she wants Kali to become a Black Mage. The Forbidden magics to protect herself and to protect others. Kali then approves with that condition... The training and using Black Magic is overwhelming in months, though she has learned more about Nald'Thal and Thaumaturgy. Kali has learned the elements of Fire, Thunder, Ice as well with the Astral and Umbral Knowledge. Kali has mastered The Black Magic and she is still continuing to go beyond her new magics, even taking corruption away from another person who was possessed. To gain more power, Kali has to feast on the corrupted entities by using her forbidden magics.Two years later, Kali was assisting Eldrith with books and reagents, as Eldrith was going to the front of the yard to tend the plants in Bluefog, there was an assassin who created noise which alerted Kali. She rushed through the front door and the assassin grabbed Eldrith and he slit her own throat, which caused Kali to explode in anger and shadows, her shadow magic begins to upheavel herself and she attempts to kill the Garlean Assassin, but he escaped.


I am usually alone, or with my wife, or with The Eternal Bond Free Company.I am the type who likes to help out other people. Even though I look intimidating. I am pretty friendly.If I see another Dark Knight or friends from the Wayfarer's Respite free company, I'd chit chat with them.I am usually at Ishgard, The Firmanent, Epheremal Estate, or the main cities. I prefer not to be near the Garlean bases. I have a terrible past with them.

Out of Character

-I am okay with mature themes.-Still learning the lore of Eorzea.-Walk up RPs are okay, just whisper me and I'll let you know the answer. (Most likely when I have the time.-This is my only character I will be using, so yeah.

Contact Information

Discord: GothicKali9000#5407

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